Snow Pond Music Festival


Where Aspiring Artists,
Develop, Collaborate & Grow


Call Us!   844-476-6976  or  207-465-9648

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Arrival Day:

3:00-5:00pm Registration
5:30pm Dinner
Evening Orientation and Evening Gathering

Daily Schedule:

8:00-9:00am Breakfast
9:00-10::00am Lessons & Indiviudal Practice
10:00-11:00pm Lessons & Individual Practice
11:00-12:00pm Lessons & Individual/Chamber Practice
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-5:30pm Master Classes, Chamber Coachings, Lessons, Flextime, and/or Recreation
6:00pm Dinner
Evening Recitals, Master Classes Workshops, and/or, Social Activities

Departure Day:

8:00-9:00am Breakfast and Departure


IMG 8167


Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors:

   Conn Selmer


 Vandoren Logo 

 BC Brand logo copy


second wind logo.       

MNR Logo

Snow Pond Center for the Arts


Absolutely Cherished

“I absolutely cherished this experience. Every day seemed like a week in terms of volume of hard work and growth that I was able to achieve.

I’m at a much better place with myself as a player and person because of it. I would highly recommend this camp to anyone looking for such an experience. I was also extremely pleased with the musicianship of the other campers and it was so cool to watch everyone else’s growth. It was tremendous to be a part of it.” FLHSI Participant